Sunday, July 5, 2009


JUNE 27, 2009

And the wine tasting adventures continue....

For Heather Hunter's 24th Birthday, she decided to rent a bus and go wine tasting up in Temecula. We started drinking mimosas as we waiting for the bus to arrive. The bus was...well lets just say...not so glamorous. We loaded in and there was a shattered window along with an abundance of flies surfacing from within the bus. There were also signs taped on all the windows saying " DO NOT SEAT HERE". 

As we started the adventure, we found out that the bus did not want to go much faster than 20mph up any incline. The drive to the winery took us more than 2 hours. It was very hot and after a bathroom break, we opened up the emergency exits which helped with circulation and those who wanted to smoke. 

I don't think Nick realized we were going to Temecula and how hot it would be, but his armpits sure did! "Sometimes you pay the price for high fashion"
(Nick and Emily) 

We were the "cool kids" in the back of the bus!
(Bryan, Heather, Tyler, Melissa, Emily, friend, Nick) 

(Tyler and I at Wilson Creek)

Our first stop was at Wilson Creek Winery, and as we pulled into the lot in our classy limo, we were approached by staff. They did not know if they could accomodate our big party since we did not have a reservation. We all snuck off, and eventually snuck our way into the winery. Heather was immediately cut off at the first winery of the day. It's her birthday, she can't help it! 

Back on the bus we headed to Ponte which we were not allowed in. We moved on to South Coast Winery and after much negogiating we were able to go wine tasting. After a lot of wine we were all famished but did not have time to eat. We stopped on the way home to get more alcohol and some snacks.
(Nick, Heather, Tyler, and I)

With a long bus ride ahead of us, we all got restless and we started having a blueberry muffin fight.  On the bus ride up Bryan kept stealing peoples sandals, so finally I grabbed one and smacked him in the face. It was pretty hilarious and lets just say, he didn't steal another sandal all day. Bryan and I were out to get each other. ...I think I won! People were dancing, smoking, drinking and better yet...taking pictures.  We started the day at noon and finally made it home around 7:30pm. Lets just say- it was a hot, long day of deubachery. 

(Bryan and I and our blueberry muffin fight)

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